Mental Photography / Subliminal Photography / ZOXing

By now, you have been hearing about Mental Photography, and are probably thinking, “What is Mental Photography?” Mind To Mind is pleased to give you this next section that goes into some detail about it. You brain stands to gain great abilities. It is up to me to reveal some of those mind-shattering truths. For your own mental health, please read on…

Mental Photography


Ask yourself,…

“What can be BETTER than READING?”

How about 10,000% better than reading??

Would you like to

Assimilate information at least 100 times the average reading speed???

With 100% retention for life????

and 100 times the impact of reading… ?????

Right now I could say something silly, like “You’ll never guess…”. But I am not because if you are reading this, I’ve deduced that you’re intelligent. I am not going to insult your intelligence by saying such an absurd thing.

From Mind to Mind ( Please take the time to enjoy what this information holds for you. Many years of development have given us a product that we want to shout about from the highest mountains. Please read on…

Mental Photography / Subliminal Photography

Mental Photography / Subliminal Photography is the primary vehicle that expediently creates a very strong rapport between the conscious and the subconscious. It opens many doors to our vast potential by building these bridges. As a learning tool, it allows people to assimilate information at 100 times the average reading speed with 100% retention for life. But, this is not limited to learning. More importantly, it opens a pathway to a part of the brain that has fantastic abilities. This part of the brain acts as a conduit to universal energy.

Brain Management

gives you the tools to take control of your life like never before.

A Mental Revolution – Brain Management

As the Information Age is fully realized by the information capacities of newest computers, the next step must be the “Mental Revolution”. To simply “keep up” is not good enough. Only by getting back to assimilating information as a small child would, can we ever hope to hold our own in today’s fast paced market. By achieving this with the Brain Management training, we can take a sufficient chunk out of the stress we endure. By strengthening and toning the brain in this natural way, we can create a better, healthier, and happier life.

What is Mental Photography?

Everyone was born with this ability switched on. You used it for the first 5 years of your life.

Why don’t I use Mental Photography now?

Reading is taught in opposition to Mental Photography. When you were taught to read, the ability was switched off. Reading does not work for everyone because it is NOT a natural ability.

Mental Photography IS natural.

Can I learn Mental Photography, again?

YES! It is a natural ability you were born with. You never lose it. Brain Management has been teaching Mental Photography since 1975, when Richard Welch first found it. For over 33 years Brain Management has constantly upgraded the teaching so that its clients can achieve their absolute best results.

Brain Management is the First, and it is STILL THE BEST!

Richard Welch is the “Father of Mental Photography”

If I learn Mental Photography, Will I have to give up “reading”?

No. Mental Photography enhances the experience of reading. The average reading speed is 250 words per minute (wpm). Mental Photography begins at 25,000 wpm. During the training you are tested on recall at 52,000 wpm. Proficient Mental Photographers can show over 600,000 words per minute with 90% recall (just turning pages). The impact of Mental Photography is 100 times reading something. It will definitely enhance your experience of reading after you Mentally Photograph the book. You have barely scratched the surface of what your brain is capable of doing!


…And even more powerful is the way that

Mental Photography exercises the brain!

Mental Photography also delivers:

  • Elevated Whole Brain Activity
  • Strengthens neural pathways
  • Hemispheric Balancing
  • Heightened communication between the conscious and the subconscious
  • Grow more memory
  • Quicker and clearer thinking

Since I have been relying on reading from age 5, will this get in the way of my Mental Photographing abilities?

This is why Brain Management teaches the comprehensive “Brain Management Seminar”. The Brain Management Seminar fully explores Mental Photography, its’ endless uses, attributes, and benefits. You will experience these things during the training and see results. You will know all you need to know about Mental Photography techniques and be able to use it with confidence.


We here at Mind To Mind hope you found this information on Mental Photography valuable.

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  • Hey Shannon, great post about Mental Photography. I have been using this process for many years now since completing the training with you on the Gold Coast, and I can verify first hand that Mental Photography not only works, but it can totally revolutionise your whole life! (Like it has done for me).

    It truly is like being handed the keys to the Universe!

    I fully encourage anyone who is reading this to go through the course because it is truly the most amazing seminar I have ever attended, and I have spent a lot of money going to seminars!

    Best regards,

    Todd Lee

  • It’s always good for others to see what Brain Management has done for its clients. It’s even better when the person giving the endorsement has a good comparative point of reference with regards to other seminars and mental disciplines.

    With sincere gratitude, thank you Todd.

  • Does this program really work? I have ordered so many things online. And guess what; there were all scams. I just want something that will work and help me in life.

    • Dear Rose,

      There ARE many things out there on the Internet. There are a lot of good people doing a lot of good work helping other people. And yes, some people are scamming others. It is difficult to tell what is real and what is not. The ONLY program I can fully vouch for is ours. We offer ZOX Pro Training, eBrain Management Executive Seminar, Brain Management Seminar, Brain Management Home Study Training. All these have Mental Photography / ZOXing as the core of the instruction. Other names we operate with are Subliminal Dynamics and Subliminal Photography. We have been doing this work and teaching people since 1975.

      The one thing that I want you to consider if you chose to purchase our training is your FOCUS. It is VERY IMPORTANT for you to FOCUS on this one training. Since you have bought a “bunch” of trainings, you may feel compelled to keep using them at the same time. DON’T! Here is an article that explains why:

      However you go, good luck in your pursuits.

  • How much time does it require to master this technique?