Today’s Mind to Mind Insight – Hope

In economic turbulence people are losing many things. The one thing you should never lose is HOPE. Hope is the cornerstone of change. You can have a change-up just as quickly as a change-down. The key is your attitude. If you give up hope, you affect your ability to see the opportunities when they do appear. Never give up!

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  • Please tell me how to eliminate elements of hopelessness from my mind-set. I am encountering factors that influence an agonizing and unpleasant state of self-belief every day at the workplace. How can I achieve hope without losing the same hope that is meant to help me out of this hopelessness. I am in a predicament surrounded by a vicious cycle?

  • Please tell me how to eliminate elements of hopelessness from my mind-set. I am encountering factors that influence an agonizing and unpleasant state of self-belief every day at the workplace. How can I achieve hope without losing the same hope that is meant to help me out of this hopelessness. I am in a predicament surrounded by a vicious cycle?

  • First, you must ask yourself what steps you are willing to take to change things. Some of these steps may be very painful.

    Second, You are experiencing the vicious cycle of self-victimization. You probably don’t realize it. This is an extension of the Law of Attraction. You expect it, so you get it. In your circumstance you have probably had this happen all of your life. So gaining a point of reference for you to aim for seems an impossible task.

    Third, Find something little, small, or insignificant to focus on. Something you can bestow or give hope to. By basing your successes on something small, you can build upon that. From what I am hearing from you, when you have aimed for bigger successes in the past, you have failed. This strengthens failure, not success,… and you become the victim.

    By building a series of successes, no matter how small, you can re-create your pattern over to success instead of failure. And you move away from being the victim.

    The struggle will be large and take a long time. With endurance, anything is possible. It is all up to you.

    Please do yourself a favor. Go to and take the first module of our ZOX Pro Training for free.

    Good Luck in your life.

  • First, you must ask yourself what steps you are willing to take to change things. Some of these steps may be very painful.

    Second, You are experiencing the vicious cycle of self-victimization. You probably don’t realize it. This is an extension of the Law of Attraction. You expect it, so you get it. In your circumstance you have probably had this happen all of your life. So gaining a point of reference for you to aim for seems an impossible task.

    Third, Find something little, small, or insignificant to focus on. Something you can bestow or give hope to. By basing your successes on something small, you can build upon that. From what I am hearing from you, when you have aimed for bigger successes in the past, you have failed. This strengthens failure, not success,… and you become the victim.

    By building a series of successes, no matter how small, you can re-create your pattern over to success instead of failure. And you move away from being the victim.

    The struggle will be large and take a long time. With endurance, anything is possible. It is all up to you.

    Please do yourself a favor. Go to and take the first module of our ZOX Pro Training for free.

    Good Luck in your life.