Interview of Edgar Mitchell, Shannon Panzo, and Michael Dukakis


Interview of Edgar Mitchell, Shannon Panzo, and Michael Dukakis

InterviewApologies… I wanted to make sure everything was in place first. That is why the short notice.

I will be interviewed on the Internet and would like you to be there.

3 people will be interviewed during this show:

  • Edgar Mitchell, PhD of Noetic Science
  • Shannon Panzo, PhD of ZOX Pro Training
  • Michael Dukakis, Presidential Candidate

Date: Thursday, April 9

Time: 7pm – 9pm PST (USA)


Interviewer: Dr. John Ilias

If you have problems watching the Interview with the link, paste this into your browser:

Interview with

(The interview show repeats two more times approximately eight hour increments.)

Please take the opportunity to tune in and watch interview .

Shannon Panzo

ZOX Pro Training has over 35 years of experience in helping people, just like you, improve their life. It’s been independently tested and used by people around the world. It works!

Good decision makers are informed, and provide solutions quickly. To change and improve in today’s world you need volumes of quality information. ZOXing gets you the Best Information – FAST .

Great Things Happen Here!

Interview of Edgar Mitchell, Shannon Panzo, and Michael Dukakis


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