Quiet Intelligence is Quite Intelligent – Horse Sense really…

Quiet Intelligence is Quite Intelligent – Do your pets seem to want to be like you in some way. Studies have found that people often choose a pet that looks like them, or reflect their own personality in some way. Logic would suggest then that since a person may select a pet based on their own self, then it is much easier for that person to assign them human characteristics, much like looking into a mirror.

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Happy Clients Give Great Testimonials – Thank You

Thank you so much for everything, I have learned so much in my journey and it´s only getting better and better. Your insights are of tremendous value and without it I wouldn´t have this acceleration. I would have never imagined that it would be possible to change …

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Invention, Prediction, and The Power of the Mind Over Matter

Invention, Prediction, and The Power of the Mind Over Matter Intuition, Insight, Knowledge, Invention, and Lateral Thinking Today’s lesson is about Lateral Thinking, Invention, Mind Over Matter, and the Power of Thought. Insights and intuition come from the subconscious mind. These are just a couple of pieces that give you subconscious power over things in your life. Intuition, Insights, and

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