Mind to Mind – Straight from the heart!
Mind to Mind – Straight from the heart!
I have dedicated the last 20 years of my life helping people find their way through life. I am thankful that I have had at my disposal the same system that I share with others “Brain Management“. But there is one thing that is absolute magic at the very core of the Brain Management teaching – “Mental Photography“.
I use the Brain Management system to help myself in the same way I teach others to do the same for themselves. The reason that I am still training people to use Brain Management and Mental Photography is that I see how it has helped so many other people. If it didn’t work, I sure wouldn’t be sharing it with others.
There are countless benefits that people achieve by using it. You can read about some of those in other areas of the blog.
The point I want to make is that YOU should take it upon yourself to find out what this is. You owe it to yourself. Even if you choose to do nothing, you at least will have gained the information that it actually does exist and is available for you.
If you don’t have the information, how do you ever expect to make proper decisions?
You see, the ‘dirty little secret‘ that school kept from you is Mental Photography. School teaches you out of using it. Mind To Mind (MINDtoMIND.com) is all about revealing secrets to you – so that you can make proper decisions for yourself.
The TRUTH is out there!
Tags: Brain, Brain Management, Dirty Little Secret, mental, mental photography, mind, revealing secrets, secret, secrets, Straight From The Heart