Do You Have Powerful Vision and Support for Your Life?

Having a vision for your life is powerful and supports your passion

Ask yourself …

Where are you going?

Why do you do what you do?

How do you decide what to do and what not to do?

Are your choices in alignment with your passion?


It seems that few people are able to answer these questions. But, if you can answer the questions confidently and optimistically, your chances of success rise significantly.

The best way to answer the questions is to have a vision for your life; a vision that excites you and generates energy for you, leading to increased productivity and personal effectiveness.

A vision for your life is a SEEING concept: what is the ideal life, in 5, 10 and 20 years’ time that you can visualize for yourself?

Some examples of a personal Vision that I have suggested to my coaching clients and to attendees in my passion workshops are:

∞ My vision is that I am a well-regarded and competent business leader who is making a difference on the planet

∞ My vision is that I have made a significant contribution globally to eradicating world poverty

∞ My vision is that I have 5,000 internet clients who pay me monthly sums that enable me to handle all my financial requirements with ease and comfort

∞ My vision is that I am a Minister of the Government and have an impeccable reputation

∞ My vision is that I am married to a person who loves me deeply and who supports me in pursuing my passions

∞ My vision is that I am CEO of a top 200 listed company that I earned through my excellence in my profession.

Such a vision also needs to be in alignment with your current passions, as you have discovered them to be through following my blog articles or in any other ways.

Mind to Mind can provide resources for you to continually develop your mental skills to effectively craft such a vision.

When your vision is clear, then:

  • You know where you are going
  • You know why you do what you do
  • You are clear on the factors that you take into account when making decisions.

It’s a great way to live.

I commend it to you.

Charles B Kovess


Charles B Kovess LL.B. (Hons), LL.M., MAICD, MAITD
Australasia’s Passion Provocateur
Certified Speaking Professional

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