Do You Invest in Yourself?

Why do so few people invest in their education?   How much do you invest in your education? When was the last time you spent actual cash to further your education? I have crafted 7 Strategies for Passionate Performance in Your Life, that are available from my website. One of those Strategies is this: ‘Invest 5% of your time and

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Speak the Truth. Others know.

Speak the Truth The need to speak the truth and the role of your passion in doing so   I am a huge fan of Buckminster Fuller, a man who died in 1983 but who was awarded 47 Honorary Doctorates from Universities around the world. He was a genius, and his work lives on. In the introduction to his last

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Handle Bad Employment News

Bad Employment News …   Why your passion helps you to handle the negative news on unemployment Everywhere I look, there is bad news on jobs. Major corporations all around the world, including Australia where I am based, and in the USA, are making frequent announcements about job losses. At the same time, the news media is regularly publishing survey

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The Word of the Day is Support, S U P P O R T

The Word of the Day – Support   How to achieve your change: designing your Support As I said before in my previous article,s changing behavior is usually most difficult. The two key factors that you need are Stimuli to change, and then Support. That earlier blog discussed your Stimuli. This article will deal with the value of designing the

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You are so Amazingly Powerful!

Do you experience enough passionate and powerful moments?   You and I are Amazingly Powerful.   When you are passionate about achieving an outcome, when you are motivated and enthusiastic about doing so, when you deeply want to achieve something, history shows that you can be amazingly effective. In these moments, you commit huge amounts of time, energy, money, and

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Change Just One Thing, Then the Domino Effect Changes Your Life

How to achieve your change: the role of your stimuli… Change Behavior Changing behavior is usually most difficult. The two key factors that you need are Stimuli to change, and then Support. This blog article will deal with the necessary Stimuli that will lead you to successfully changing your behavior. Two examples of desired changes that we seem to have

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Passion vs. Drugs. You Have Unlimited Energy Stored Here!

Passion vs. Drugs Your passion, and the need for drugs to handle depression My definition of passion is that it is ‘a source of unlimited energy from your soul, or your spirit, or your heart that enables you to produce extraordinary results’. Far too many people, research shows, are not pursuing their passion or doing what they love, or are

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Be Passionate about Taking Responsibility. Stop the Blame Game

Be Passionate Take Responsibility   There is nothing quite so empowering as taking responsibility. There is also little doubt that most people do not like doing this! As a lawyer for 20 years, I experienced many people running to their lawyers, asking for help, playing the role of victim, by blaming others for their problems. These people had entered into

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Do You Have Powerful Vision and Support for Your Life?

Having a vision for your life is powerful and supports your passion Ask yourself … Where are you going? Why do you do what you do? How do you decide what to do and what not to do? Are your choices in alignment with your passion?   It seems that few people are able to answer these questions. But, if

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In Your Life, What Can Be Worth That Much?

Living and working with passion: why it matters so much …   Passionate individuals Achieve. Passionate individuals Perform. Passionate individuals Inspire.   Imagine tapping into your extraordinary talent and energy each working day. Picture the growth, the rewards and the results. Sadly, not many people are passionate about their work. Think what are you passionate about? Yet, if business is

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