Change Just One Thing, Then the Domino Effect Changes Your Life

How to achieve your change:

the role of your stimuli…

Change Behavior

Changing behavior is usually most difficult.

The two key factors that you need are Stimuli to change, and then Support.

This blog article will deal with the necessary Stimuli that will lead you to successfully changing your behavior.

Two examples of desired changes that we seem to have the greatest difficulties in lie in the area of weight loss and attitude.

The first question to answer is this: ‘Why do you want to lose weight or have a different attitude?’ You MUST be able to answer this specifically and at some length and with some passion to ensure your chances of success.

The Passion Success List of Wants…

Here are some reasons WHY, that will provoke your thinking to develop your own special Stimuli that will also engage your passions:

  • I want to be healthier
  • I want to live longer
  • I want to be alive when my grandchildren become adults
  • I want a better sex life
  • I want to be more attractive to others
  • I want more energy
  • I want to be more productive
  • I want to fit into my clothes that I love that are sitting in my cupboard
  • I want to save money by not wasting it on junk food
  • I want to get rid of my headaches
  • I want to attract my soul mate into a life long relationship
  • I want to increase my self-confidence and self-esteem
  • I want to achieve something great that is difficult
  • I want to save money on medical bills
  • I want to avoid diabetes and heart attacks
  • I want to be head hunted for a great new job because I have the right attitude
  • I want to avoid being sick
  • I want to avoid spending any time in hospitals
  • I want to have more energy to play with my children
  • I want to have more energy to keep learning and developing
  • I want to be a great team player
  • I want a great reputation in my industry for being an excellent contributor and a quality person.

Successful people are clear and specific on the reasons, on what they will gain through the change of behavior and what problems they will solve or avoid by doing so.

Achieving Success in Your Lifetime…

Now, write down your own set of reasons to change, and the longer the list, the better!

I will explore the need for, and the different types of, support in the next blog article.

My various blog articles on the Mind to Mind website will be helpful in provoking some ideas in designing your stimuli.


Charles B Kovess


Charles B Kovess LL.B. (Hons), LL.M., MAICD, MAITD
Australasia’s Passion Provocateur
Certified Speaking Professional

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