Revelations: Two Heads are Better Than One
Are 2 Brains Better than 1 Brain?
Your Conscious Mind vs. Your Subconscious Mind
Your Right Hemisphere vs. Your Left Hemisphere
Right vs. Wrong
Good vs. Evil
Do Something or Do Nothing
YOUR Decisions…
There is a battle going inside your head every waking moment. The automated response to the weights and measures of your decision making process.
What you are about to read may be one of the most important things you have ever had the opportunity to take on-board; something that can truly turn your world right side up. So please, take a little time to study what I am about to tell you. IT IS IMPORTANT.
It is said, if you could manage to get ALL parts of your brain to come to clear mental agreement on any one thing, the force you carry would not only move mountains, it would move the planet. Even adepts strive to master this one concept.
The power you hold between your ears is more incredible than you can imagine. But what about YOUR decision making process?… It’s slowed to a snails’ pace. When are you going to do something about it?
The complete mental exercise you have at hand is something I have already been telling you about – Mental Photography, or ZOXing.
There is another side to Mental Photography (ZOXing) that I consider far more valuable than delivery and retrieval of information at the speed of light. Coincidentally, while you are performing Mental Photography, fantastic things are happening in your brain.
When done correctly, Mental Photography exercises your brain like nothing else can. And because Mental Photography is a NATURAL phenomena, the benefits are immediate and life long. Synthetic manipulation of your brainwaves to artificially create the same state of super-conscious awareness can have adverse effects. What starts as natural, stays a natural function of your brain – fully integrated with your well-being.
How does this help you?
Mental Photography super-excites all levels of consciousness at the same time. It creates massive levels of communication to occur between the two hemispheres of your brain, thus automatically balancing your right and left hemispheres. As you Mentally Photograph (ZOX), you exercise your brain, you build more PHYSICAL memory called ‘dendrites’. You exercise your super-highway of information flow, and the new demands you are putting on your brain will increase synapses, increase production of beneficial brain chemicals, and build new brain cells – once thought of as impossible.
You see results in your decision making abilities, clearing out the mental cobwebs, better memory, less stress, and living life at a whole new level. The best thing of all is the price: No Charge! (You have already paid for it when you purchase ZOX Pro Training, eBrain Executive Seminar, or Brain Management.)
Will it change your life immediately?
Sometimes it does, but probably not for a little while. You are very complex in the ways you interact within your environment, your relationships, and so on. Most people would not want to “wipe the slate clean”, but do want to positively enhance everything about their life from this point forward. With our training, you can do either. It’s your choice.
Short-sighted people will quit, because they think they have nothing to gain except a faster way to read. WOW!… Are they ever WRONG! Information is only where this begins! After that, it is a never ending adventure with your NATURALLY integrated brain steering the ship.
What do you have to gain? Everything and more – much more than you can imagine.
Great Things Happen Here!
Tags: better memory, brain cells, heads are better than, in your brain, mental photography, move mountains, natural, super-conscious, wipe the slate, ZOXing
Hey Shannon!
This stuff is excellent. I’m really glad you posted the article. I’m now fully refreshed and excited to get back to it!
Peace naturally,
Hey Shannon,
A great read as always thanks for the insight and emails it is a good reminder to use what I already have.
Keep well
If properly applied, can the same results be achieved from the home study course as with the live multi-day seminars.
There is more presented in the seminar, thus giving you more options.
Yes, you can achieve the results as far as your imagination can carry you – in either situation.
Hi Shannon,,
I purchased the ZOX Pro Training program some time ago and used the program on a regular basis. But, the program seemed a little slow for me. I wanted to see bigger results faster, so I haven’t been using it.
Since you posted the article” Two Heads Are Better Then One”. I am very excited and I am going to forge ahead with ZOXing again..
Thank You
I am happy you saw the Light!
Even though most people get ZOX Pro Training for the obvious reason – information intake, many people miss the big picture. Tunnel vision is preventing them from seeing all the other VALUABLE assets the training accelerates.
Once in a while we must remind people to take advantage of the other tremendous life changing technique ZOX Pro Training automatically comes with. To only focus on the Mental Photography (ZOXing) is really cutting yourself short.
Have fun with it!
Hello ZOX! Great article!
I was wondering how exactly did the Mental Photography studies lead you to the conclusion that ZOXing exercises your brain in such a unique way?
Also, if these mental exercises are so significant, than can a person conceivably use these mental photography just for the mental up-grade and not for the information gain?
If so, then how would a person detect such mental up-grades?
Thank you guys!
One of the original Mental Photography studies conducted was with a device called “the Mind Mirror”, and collating results of thousands of participants.
If you just want to use it as a brain exercise to ramp up your brain power; sure, why not.
Noticing what you can do after compared to what you could do before. You would conduct your own case study. We have already done plenty to already know this. (You better take very comprehensive notes to start with.)
I am skeptical but if this works it would really revolutionize the way I did everything. I still have no tangible proof I know has not been made up or fabricated for a profit.
Hope it is the real deal!
ZOX Pro Training is the real deal.
I don’t speak English. How can I learn ZOX Pro?
ZOX Pro Is presented in English only.