Where is The Good News? Aspirations Abandoned.
Where is the Good News?
A World With Little Imagination and Aspiration Surrounds You!
Arm yourself – The time is nigh to protect yourself and all that you hold dear.
There is no better investment right now than investing in yourself and your skills and capabilities.
The times we are now experiencing make me want to break out into a tune of,“Where Has all the Good News Gone? Long Time Passing… Where Has all the Good News Gone? Long Time ago…”; sung to “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?”
Look at the TV News. Where is the good news? Find out happy news of the day.
Look at the Newspapers and Magazines. Where is the good news? Find out positive news around the world.
Talk to people. Listen to what they say. Where is the good news? Find out uplifting news of the day.
When was the last time you heard of people counting their blessings, or stopping to smell the roses? Seldom, if at all. I am sure that some of you have established pockets of steadfast optimists. So remember that this is not a message for everyone. If it is a message for you, you will know.
Sure, you can buy into all the bad news, along with the negative people and populace around you. Don’t forget the media and all of their banter on how bad things are and how it is doomed to get worse. Think back. When did that attitude ever motivate you out of your situation?
If you already have invested in our training, think of this as great information to rally yourself into further action, to put yourself into a powerful attitude that allows you to thrive. If you do not have our training yet, then you really should pay attention to what I am sharing with you.
What are you doing to combat the negative information that is shoved down your throat daily?
Here is an example of what I am talking about (as if it isn’t clear enough). In the evening of June 19th, there was an earthquake in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, of 5.5 on the Richter Scale. Even though it was the largest earthquake there in over 100 years, 5.5 is hardly worth mentioning. Since nobody died (except maybe the guy that fell off his stool laughing), it was hardly newsworthy.
The nature of the news media is outrageous, bordering on blasphemous, in their capacity to dress up this current non-story by revisiting several old stories of earthquakes and tsunami calamities of deafening proportion; from the earthquake in Brazil, to the tsunami in Indonesia, on to the Earthquake/tsunami in Japan, and even further on to other events that killed millions of people. All of these reports were pulled out of the closet once again to cause some type of reaction – a stir that “something”, an earthquake, hit Melbourne.
Where is the good news? Where are the blessings…?
A Beacon Shining Through the Dark Fog of Night – the Media???
We are currently experiencing a “TIME” in this world where the media could really shine a path to the salvation that so many are looking for. But the dark dreary path makes for much bigger news. It should make you wonder why they would report on something like sports. Let’s take a walk along the statistical path. In team sports, it is a 50/50 split – one winner and one loser; that’s fair. (Watch out for the soccer fans when there is nil/nil draw – Ouch!)
Now to fill in the rest of this data, I will be stepping on some toes. I don’t really want to do this, it is just part of the process of learning. Sometimes the learning process discloses things that you do not agree with or feel comfortable about. Some people will claim that I am just shallow. Sorry, no room for that in statistics. I don’t even need to talk about the injuries to show you what it is about.
What about Track and Field, Golf, and other individual sports. Well, in these sports there is only one winner against the field of losers. We can usually see there are 2nd, and 3rd place winners. That gives the media a little more to report. But as we all know, they will mostly talk about the winner; not the runner up (loser).
Therefore, the sheer nature of sports, even in the most positive reporting, is naturally inclined in the negative, statistically speaking. No, I am not picking on sports. The origins of sports express the natural drive for people to overcome their foes. That is also referred to as war. And yes ‘war’ is the origin of the more formalized event called sport.
Besides teaching you something that most people will probably never give a second thought to, I have also given you a living example of how to line up the facts and see how the mechanics of the media and economic machines are at work. Of course, here is a little play on words. Think of “mechanic” meaning the Spin Doctors of media.
Does “objective reporting” still exist?
A) In books?
B) Old “Wives’ Tales”?
C) For Gullible People?
D) None of the above.
The spin doctors don’t like it when someone reveals how they unfairly affect the populace – the “mob”, and their style of persuasion. They can even be retaliatory. [So make sure to spell my name and training correctly when you report on me, otherwise I can give you another story how the media cannot spell correctly. Go ahead, give me publicity!]
Here is the underlying principle as to why I am running you from point to point, topic to topic. The point is YOU should be just as fluent with information. Just think what the world would be like if we all raised our intelligence by just 10%? The results would be truly amazing! Oh…, the solutions that would be developed to solve the world’s problems as fast as they were created, maybe even faster.
Think of the free time we would have to enjoy ourselves if things like poverty and hunger were non-existent, and if everyone had plenty. (Yes, of course there is a lot more to it. But let’s be the optimist for the moment and think of how it could be.)
Stirrings, Murmurs, and Feet Shuffling…
I have been hearing an undercurrent from some of my potential clients, who have not yet invested in their most important resource: themselves! They knew that someday they would really need my training, but they procrastinated. Then they were distracted by all the things happening around them, and also perhaps by the media. They were in the position they could afford my training, and so much more, and they painted themselves into a corner, because they did not take it seriously. Now, many of those same people are finding slowly and painfully everything they hold dear has already been taken from them, or is being stripped from them with surgical precision.
Don’t let this happen to you.
Possessing a superior system and superior skills would be handy to fall back on when times get tough.
Recession – Spin Magic …
The financial term Recession was an invention by political spin doctors that did not want to say the unpleasant word, Depression. The word Depression has a motivating force behind it that tells you that “things will not get better for you until you take action to make it better for you, and those you care about.”
The word Recession makes us feel like we are just taking recess, like when we went to school. It is like a little break. There is no motivating force behind Recession (what happens in a recession). In school, most people liked recess, so why should we desire to leave it behind? See, there is no sense of urgency to leave it behind. ZoxPro training gives you information about economic recession vs depression.
To put it frankly, you need what my ZOX Pro Training and Brain Management has for you. This is the ultimate self-empowerment tool. My training for you comes from the view that we have always believed in freeing people, and providing a path for those people to do it for themselves.
My training gives you a supreme feeling of satisfaction when you have actually accomplished something worthwhile for yourself.
Another wonderful Legacy that Richard Welch, the “Father of Mental Photography“, passed along is he made the core training easy to learn and use. It has been simplified for you. Don’t worry: what is going on ‘behind the curtain’ is extraordinary. But you only need to think about learning it and applying it for yourself. (My reference to ‘behind the curtain’ is from The Wizard of OZ.)
So, What are YOU Going to DO?
What are you going to do to wrench yourself out of the mess you built for yourself along the way?
You need LEVERAGE!
Leverage to make your life better than ever. This decision deserves your serious consideration. It is time you realize that the only person you can count on to make things happen is YOU. The government is not going to rescue you, and the banks surely will not rescue you either. And there is only so much that can be given out by non-profit and welfare organizations, so they can’t rescue you.
The burden is yours to bear. You are responsible. Are you going to arm yourself with the best training and information to ensure you make great decisions going into the future? Or will you just complain about missing the boat?
The decision is YOURS.
I invite you to come with me on the ZOX Pro journey, with training that will transform your life in wonderful ways, which will enable you to elegantly and stylishly handle ALL the negative focus and misinformation that the media and others want to throw your way. Where is the good news!
With Respect,
Shannon Panzo
PS: Here is a shortlist of reference areas:
Great Things Happen Here!
Tags: australia, earthquake, good news, media, Melbourne, objective reporting, self empowerment tool, soccer fan, spin doctor, tsunami
Please provide me with the link to get started on your Mental Photography program.
The easiest place to stare is ZOX Pro Training at http://ZOXpro.com/
Link me to wherever I can get started on your program.
The easiest place to stare is ZOX Pro Training at http://ZOXpro.com/
Great article!
I love being a subscriber to this. You remind me of Louise Hay and the Religious Science movement, in which positive thinking triumphs over negativity no matter what.
Thanks for that.
There is often a balance of positive thinking and faith. Faith in yourself is easier than having faith in others to do the right thing. Unfortunately, the world has many people that do not have the same high set of values. Therefore you still may want to assess the world around you with “Eyes wide open”.
Our teachings are practicable, because they raise a persons awareness to the world around them. It also provides a means for that person to accrue superior information fast, to make superior decisions promptly.
And yes, we do encourage positive thinking.
Shannon Panzo